#Mark text as an index entry word 2013 update
Go to the index, right click anywhere in it, then select Update Field. Go to the next entry and check its formatting and case (as for step 3).Don’t add any spaces between the colon and the sub entry. If the case is wrong for the main or sub entry elements, manually change it.
#Mark text as an index entry word 2013 manual
Select a field code only (the XE part) and press Ctrl+space to remove any manual character formatting and take the text back to the base paragraph style.have been manually applied to it, continue to the next step. Go to the first index entry and check its formatting and case.In the example below, you can see the index entries and the resulting mess of an index. NOTE: When you make changes DO NOT delete the curly brackets, the colon, or the quote marks.

The index only reflects manually applied character formatting, not an applied paragraph or character style (I tested with a Heading paragraph style and the Emphasis character style and each time the entry in the index remained in normal text).If the manual formatting is applied to second or subsequent entries, then it still remains plain text in the index-it’s the formatting of the FIRST entry for that term that’s critical. If the first entry for a term has manually applied character formatting (bold/italics etc.), then the formatting in the index takes the manual character formatting of that first entry.Solution: Make them the same case (see below). Entries in different cases are listed separately.I did some testing and found out a few things: Now, it’s an awfully long time since I created an index in Word, but I did remember that you have to create index entries (XE fields in Word) before you can create the index itself (Index field). He wanted all index entries that were the same to be in plain text and listed under the one entry. and some, which were the same words but in different case, were showing as separate entries. It seems some entries were showing as bold, italics, etc.

A reader contacted me asking about his index in Word.